Meet Stacy Fowler, Area Chair for SWPACA’s Sports & Popular Culture!

⚾ Who are you and what do you do?

I am the Technical Service Librarian for St. Mary’s University Law Library in San Antonio, which just means I make sure our students have all the resources they need to succeed in law school.

⚾ What are your current research interests?

The last couple of years at SWPACA, I presented in the Law and Popular Culture area, but I generally focus on women in the military in films. My writing partner Deborah Deacon and I are working on our third book focused on women in the military in films. The first was on American films, the second covered global films, and the third will be about women in the military in science fiction films. Our publisher for all three is McFarland.

⚾ What year was your first SWPACA, and how did you get involved?

I first attended SWPACA in 2017 after seeing a CFP on the UPenn site. I presented on women in the military in film in the War and Culture area, and that’s how I met my writing partner, who also had an interest in the subject. I’ve presented at all the in-person conferences every year since then!

⚾ Why Sports & Pop Culture?

The why is because it crossed my mind that we did not have an area for this, which was surprising to me given how pervasive sports are in American culture – it honestly seemed like a no-brainer. I would love if folks can take their love of sports and turn that into a vibrant area of academic scholarship that seems largely untapped.

⚾ Your current pop culture passions or hobbies?

I am a huge Marvel fan, so I watch pretty much everything that comes out – for our new book, Deb and I split up the chapters, but I made sure got the chapter that covers superheroes. One of the other chapters I am writing covers zombie films, so I have also been watching a ton of those, which is a film genre I never really paid much attention to before now.

📢 Join Stacy and the Sports & Popular Culture community at #SWPACA25! Submit your proposal to SWPACA’s new Conference Portal by October 31!