SWPACA Summer Salon 2025 FAQs
Can I submit more than one proposal?
Unfortunately, no. While during our in-person conference, participants are able to submit a second proposal if they would like to share their creative work (fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction) in addition to their critical proposal, only one proposal per presenter is allowed for the 2025 Summer Salon due to limited program space.
Can I submit a roundtable or special session (i.e., workshop or screening)?
Unfortunately, no. Due to space limitations and total Zoom room capacity, we are unable to accommodate sessions other than conventional 3-4 paper panels.
Can I submit a preformed panel?
If you have a pre-formed panel that includes 3-4 individual papers/presentations, each member of thepanel must create an account and submit an individual proposal for their paper. In addition, within the abstract,each member should make clear that their paper is part of a pre-formed panel, and include the following:
- the proposed title of the panel
- the other presenters on the panel
- the proposed panel chair.
After all proposals have been submitted, the proposed panel chair should email
support@southwestpca.org to confirm receipt of panel information.
Note that panels must include 3-4 papers/presentations. Panel proposals with less or more presentations will beintegrated or split up into other panels.
How/Where do I register for the 2025 Summer Salon?
Submit your proposal and register for the conference in our conference portal at https://swpaca.org/app. The registration deadline for the 2025 Summer Salon is June 1. If your paper has been accepted, you must
register and pay by June 1 for inclusion in the program and access to Zoom links.
Why are you charging for an online conference?
While the 2025 SWPACA Summer Salon is online, it does still incur a number of costs. SWPACA is a non-profit organization, and though the organizers are all volunteers, we work to be as affordable as possible while still providing a quality, professional, and seamless experience. Your registration fee supports the year-round work of
SWPACA in advocating for and supporting the study of popular culture, including hosting two annual conferences (one in-person and one online) and producing an open-source, peer-reviewed journal, Dialogue: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Popular Culture and Pedagogy.
Is there any monetary assistance available for the conference fee?
Unfortunately, we are not able to offer any monetary assistance for the 2025 Summer Salon.
Can I register more than one person at a time?
Yes! The person doing the registering will need to create an account and submit the details for all the users they
are registering. The most important thing is that the email addresses used for each registrant match the email address used to create an account for that user in the system. The email address will tie the paid registration to conference access for that user. Please email support@southwestpca.org for further help with registering multiple participants.
My institution requires a more substantial documentation than the one I received via email after I submitted my payment. Who do I contact for a detailed invoice or receipt?
We understand that different institutions have different requirements about receipts for reimbursements. If your
institution requires a more detailed invoice or receipt, please contact Tamy Burnett (tburnett@soutwestpca.org)
or Kathleen Lacey (klacey@southwestpca.org) for assistance.
Conference Schedule
When will the conference schedule be available?
The preliminary draft of the conference schedule will be available via PDF on our website in mid-May. In early
June, we will post the final conference schedule. Those registered for the conference will receive a detailed
schedule with Zoom links before the conference begins.
What time zone is the conference taking place?
We will be conducting the conference on Mountain Time (the same time as Denver).
Conference Technology
What technology/software do I need?
You will need a computer, microphone, a webcam, and a stable internet connection. If you will be joining us from
a public place, make sure that you also have headphones. Most computers now have mics and cameras already
installed. If you’ve used Zoom before, you already know what to do! If you’re unfamiliar, we encourage you to
practice using Zoom (free accounts available at zoom.com) with friends or colleagues prior to the conference if
you are unfamiliar.
Is tech support available during the conference?
Support will be available via a Help Desk Zoom room during the conference. Members of the Executive Team
and SWPACA Area Chairs will be on hand to assist with technology and/or login issues.
Conference Presentations
How do I know when I’ll be presenting on my panel?
Typically, the area chair or session chair will follow the order of presentations in the program/schedule. Each presenter has 15 minutes to present their paper. All presenters are expected to be present throughout their panel’s entire scheduled time.
I’ve never given a virtual presentation before. What should I expect?
This will actually be quite similar to giving a presentation in person. If you typically read your paper (without any visual aids) for a conference presentation, you’ll do that in front of your webcam. If you usually share a PowerPoint, images, or clips, you’ll share your screen while you read/discuss your paper.
Can I share audio or video clips?
You can, but please be aware that the quality may not translate well. Internet connections vary, so we recommend keeping these as short as possible if it is necessary to use them during your presentation. Aside from playing the clip on your device, you can also share a link in the chat to the clip so that the audience may
take a moment to watch it, and then return to the presentation. We further recommend that you arrange to share from a hardline connected computer during your presentation if you plan to show clips. As always with technological elements, be prepared to pivot if the clips don’t work (be prepared to describe them, etc.).
Can I pre-record and upload my presentation if I am in a different time zone?
Unfortunately, no. All conference presentations will be live and in real time to facilitate networking and discussion, and to maintain a seamless interactive conference experience.
Will panels be recorded for later viewing?
No. SWPACA does not record panels and conference proceedings due to the technological requirements for hosting videos and to respect the privacy of presenters, attendees, and research processes.
A note about accessibility:
To allow participants to participate as fully as possible, we encourage the use of captions wherever possible. Additionally, while not required, we would also encourage presenters (before, during, or after their presentations) to provide direct links to their papers or slides. Furthermore, individuals can enable live captions from the user controls.
Audience Expectations
How do I participate as an audience member in a virtual conference?
Much in the same way you would if we were in person! First, we do expect audience members to stay for the entire panel if possible. Second, we expect that audience members and presenters will keep their cameras on during the entirety of the panel if at all possible. Just as you (hopefully) wouldn’t be visibly distracted or disengaged during an in-person presentation, we ask that you show the same courtesy in this online environment. There’s nothing worse than giving a presentation to a bunch of black screens. And finally, during the Q&A at the end of the panel, the area chair or session chair will moderate discussion via the raise hand and/or chat functions.